Sunday, December 13, 2020

"Is It Christmas Yet?"



Ali was in and out of sleep. Her oxygen had dropped to the 70s. When she was awake, she was a little confused. That night she awoke and asked, “Mom, is it Christmas?” I didn’t know what to say so I initially said yes thinking it would make her happy but then she would forget and drift back to sleep. However, she did not go back asleep. When I replied, Yes, she then wanted to open her Christmas gifts! Since I had not done any shopping, we had None for her to open!! I quickly said, “Actually, it is Christmas Eve...Christmas is tomorrow morning!”

She then wanted to prepare. We set cookies out for Santa and Lyla wrote a note to him. She asked if I would get her her Christmas pajamas. After I dressed her, she wanted to paint her nails Christmas colors. We brought her into the kitchen where I painted her nails red, white, red, white. She could barely hold still for them to cure in time. They looked a little messy but she loved them. She was very weak and was drifting in and out of sleep through the whole thing. 

After she was tucked back into bed, I asked Caleb’s girlfriend, Kinsey, if she could help round up some gifts for Ali to open in the morning. I messaged my friend, Jill, to see if her husband could come by to play Santa. Our neighbor, Dave Wilding, asked if he could sing some carols in front of our house. 


The next morning, Ali awoke and the first thing she asked was, “Mom, is it Christmas yet?” I was kneeling by her bed and happily replied, “Yes baby, It is Christmas!”

She smiled so big with her eyes closed and said ever so sweetly, “Yay!” She then opened her eyes, took her warm little hands, and placed them on my face. She pulled me in close to her, kissed me and said, “Thank you Mommy! I love you so much!!”

We carried her into the living room by the Christmas tree and let her open all the gifts that were wrapped for her. Every gift she got, she was so grateful for. I am not sure she even knew what she got, but it made her so happy. One gift was from Clark. He had wrapped up a little red bird. When she saw it, she snuggled it close and was so happy. She then worried about everyone else’s gifts. She felt badly they didn’t have any. We reassured her that they did and that they had opened them already because they were impatient with her sleeping so long!

After presents she went back to her bed to sleep. Her aunts and cousins arrived as well as Santa! Our neighbors from all over the street had gathered together to sing her favorite Christmas Carol in the front yard. We wrapped her up in a blanket and carried her to the porch. There she sat and watched as they all sang, Silent Night. It was so beautiful. She gave a little wave to all her friends and Daddy carried her back in so she could see Santa.

There in the living room, Santa sat on our big white chair and Ali was placed on his lap. She pet his beard and patted his bells. He asked her what she wanted. She softly mumbled as he rocked her back and forth. He told her how much she was loved and how special she was and that he knew she was such a good girl. She started to fall asleep in his arms as they snuggled. 

To see Ali so happy was one of the greatest gifts I could have been given. I loved watching her as she was so full of gratitude for every little thing that happened. It was a simple day, but was the most beautiful Christmas I've ever had. I think about the symbolism of that Christmas. How we all wonder and await our ultimate Christmas morning asking, "Is it Christmas yet?"


  1. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful daughter with us. An absolute privilege to watch her and learn from her. I will never forget. God bless!

  2. Beautiful Christmas Day for your Beautiful Girl Ali! Hug’s Heather

  3. The purest celebration of Christmas ever. Grateful you were able to make this happen. 🎄❤️

  4. Beautiful and special Christmas for a beautiful and special girl. Heather you have the most amazing angel watching over you. Sending hugs to you and love to your family. #iwanttobelikeali Everyone should be like Ali. Families are forever. ❤️

  5. Beautiful and special Christmas for the most beautiful and special girl! Heather you have the most beautiful angel watching over you! #iwanttobelikeali. Everyone should be like Ali. Families are forever. Sending hugs your way Heather and love to your family.

  6. Tão emocionante a história da Ali, cada testemunho nós mostra o quanto as crianças são especiais, crescemos e deixamos para trás toda essa magia, doçura, Ali não ela será como um anjo intacto e íntegro para sempre.

  7. So so Beautiful...❤ Ali is just love and light...❤ How wonderful you are to make everything happen for Ali...❤ So so Special ❤🎄🎁🎄

  8. What an incredibly special way to spend her last day here. Her story is so beautiful. My heart hurts for you all losing such a special little girl. But thank you for sharing her inspiring story with us. Sending love and prayers ♥️

  9. Thank You for sharing such a PRICELESS memory 💖 Ali was such a joy! I never saw her frown once she always had such a sweet tender spirit, it was such a blessing to see how such a young soul hosted the presence of God in such a Beautiful tangible way 💖 Praise God we shall all be together one day for all Eternity 🤗

  10. Such a beautiful memory to have! I’m so glad you were able to experience that with Ali! ❤️

  11. at the end of the day what really matters is being with family and being thankful for the tinniest things we have. Ali looked so happy with her toy in her hands and that's just pure love and thankfulness for the simpliest things. Glad Ali didn't missed her christmas..⭐

  12. So sweet! Sending love to you and your family! ♥️

  13. The whole world in only one question Is it Christmas yet? Sweet Ali 🌟

  14. I'm glad she enjoyed her last Christmas on this earth but there will be many more for her now she's gone to heaven, just you wait and see. She was such a beautiful angel and you could tell she just appreciated everything she got to experience, she was so pure hearted and we all need to be like Ali. Prayers your family feel God's comfort. God and Jesus love you all💜💜💜

  15. I'm glad she enjoyed her last Christmas on this earth but there will be many more for her now she's gone to heaven, just you wait and see. She was such a beautiful angel and you could tell she just appreciated everything she got to experience, she was so pure hearted and we all need to be like Ali. Prayers your family feel God's comfort. God and Jesus love you all💜💜💜

  16. I'm glad she enjoyed her last Christmas on this earth but there will be many more for her now she's gone to heaven, just you wait and see. She was such a beautiful angel and you could tell she just appreciated everything she got to experience, she was so pure hearted and we all need to be like Ali. Prayers your family feel God's comfort. God and Jesus love you all💜💜💜

  17. You have a beautiful angel in heaven now. An angel who taught so many the true meaning of life. Thank you for sharing her beauty and love with all of us. As heartbreaking and beautiful as it was to see her celebrate Christmas here on earth, just imagine what she is going to celebrate this Christmas in heaven. She is now going to witness Christmas first hand with the holy family. Baby Jesus, our Blessed Mother, St. Joseph. How amazing and beautiful is that going to be for her.
    Angels singing, Ali singing, joy, love and pure peace. Maybe she'll even get to hold our Lord and snuggle with him for a bit. God is good. Peace and love to your family now and always. God bless you all.

  18. Beautiful!!! God bless you all!
